what is a personal trainer?

what is a personal trainer? a guide to independent success

What Is a Personal Trainer?
David Bohmiller

by David Bohmiller
Co-founder of Epicenter Training

What Is a Personal Trainer?

As an aspiring or independent personal trainer, your journey is unlike others in the fitness industry. You're not bound by the rules of a corporate gym, and you have the freedom to shape your career. But, "what is a personal trainer?" And, how can you excel independently? Let's dive into the world of personal training and explore how to set a strong foundation for your career path and professional success.

let's answer the question "what is a personal trainer?"

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what is a personal trainer? Defining the role of a personal trainer

The 1st element in answering "what is a personal trainer?" is in providing a definition. A personal trainer is more than just a fitness enthusiast who guides others in exercise. You're a mentor, a motivator, and a source of inspiration for your clients. Your role goes beyond the physical – you're here to transform lives, helping your clients achieve their fitness goals, improve their health, and boost their confidence.

independent vs. corporate: what sets you apart

When you're an independent personal trainer, you have the unique opportunity to create a personal brand that reflects your values and expertise. Unlike trainers in corporate gyms, you can choose your specialization, pricing, and training style. This independence allows you to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with your clients, and it's a significant selling point when attracting new ones.

continuous education: your path to excellence

In the ever-evolving fitness industry, staying up-to-date with the latest trends, techniques, and research is essential. To excel as an independent personal trainer, you must invest in continuous education. Consider obtaining certifications in specialized areas such as strength and conditioning, nutrition (though not prescribing diets), or corrective exercise. The more you know, the more you can offer your clients, making you an invaluable resource.

Where once, in corporate gym environments, systems of professional development and expectations may have been organized for you, as an independent professional, you'll have to design your own structure of continuous learning, and attend to the necessary time management to give this area appropriate attention.

building a strong online presence

Given ever-advancing technology and today's digital age, an online presence is crucial. Use social media, a personal website, and online marketing to showcase your expertise, testimonials, and before-and-after success stories. Your online presence is a window into your training style and personality, helping potential clients understand who you are, what you can offer them, and how you're different and appropriately-suited to their training goals and needs.

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client expectations: more than just sets and reps

Your clients will expect more from you than just a list of exercises. They're seeking motivation, accountability, and someone who genuinely cares about their well-being. To excel as an independent personal trainer, you need to build relationships based on trust and support. Listen to your clients' needs, set realistic goals, and celebrate their successes, no matter how small. Your role is not just about physical fitness but also about their overall well-being.

scope of practice: know your limits

While you may be well-versed in nutrition and dietary principles, it's important to understand your scope of practice. Nutrition prescriptions and meal planning are best left to registered dietitians or nutritionists. Provide general guidance, and intelligent conversation on these topics, but avoid giving personalized dietary recommendations. Knowing your limits and referring clients to the appropriate professionals when necessary will enhance your credibility and protect your clients' health.

Similarly, it's important not to attempt to perform the functions of a Physical Therapist. While meaning well, there's the potential to do more harm than good. You can protect yourself and your clients by referring them to qualified, licensed professionals. In doing so, you'll enhance the quality of your network and your professional reputation.

Human Skeleton

finding your niche

As an independent personal trainer, finding your niche can set you apart from other fitness professionals. Whether you specialize in post-rehabilitation fitness, sports-specific training, or weight management, identifying your unique focus will attract clients who resonate with your expertise. Your specialization is a key factor in your branding and marketing strategy.

This is in stark difference to most corporate gym environments where, initially, it may be in one's interest to be a generalist, if not for other reason than the total gym member count might not support an ability to attract enough of a specific type of client to run a sustainable business.

setting prices: valuing your expertise

Pricing your services can be challenging, especially when you're just starting. Research the rates in your area and consider your experience and certifications. Don't undervalue your expertise, but be realistic. As you gain experience and build your client base, you can adjust your pricing accordingly.

Significant discounts and positioning as the lowest-priced option in your area may not be in your best interest. As an independent personal trainer, you'll have business expenses that those employed in corporate environments do not. Set your rates too low and you'll have to rely on a large volume of clients. Be confident in your knowledge, service, and value, with rates reflecting this, and you'll develop a sustainable business where you can focus on your clients, rather than on financial concern.

investing in your own health

Don't forget to take care of your own health and well-being. As a personal trainer, you're often so focused on your clients' fitness that you neglect your own. Remember that you are a role model for your clients, and your own health is a testament to your expertise. Make time for your workouts, eat well, and manage stress effectively.

In wanting to say yes to every prospect, client, and training opportunity, it's easy to find yourself burning the candle at both ends with early morning and late evening sessions. Part of investing in your own health is in managing your schedule well, so that you have the energy and focus to bring your best professional self to each training session.

finding communities of support

As an independent personal trainer, your journey to success can sometimes feel like a solitary endeavor. You're your own boss, responsible for your business, clients, and professional development. However, the value of connecting with communities of support, both online and in-person, cannot be overstated. These communities provide you with guidance, motivation, and a network of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with being an independent personal trainer.

Online communities

  1. Professional Forums - Engage in online forums and communities tailored to personal trainers. Platforms like Reddit, Facebook Groups, and specialized fitness forums are excellent places to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from others in the field.
  2. Webinars and Virtual Workshops - Many industry experts and organizations host webinars and virtual workshops. We do, as well. These events are a great way to stay updated on the latest fitness trends, business strategies, and training techniques. They also offer opportunities to connect with peers and mentors.
  3. Social Media Networks - Utilize platforms like Instagram, X, and LinkedIn to connect with fellow personal trainers, fitness influencers, and industry leaders. Follow their content, engage in discussions, and learn from their experiences. Be sure to follow Epicenter Training on LinkedIn today!
  4. Online Mentorship Programs - Seek out online mentorship programs or coaching services specifically designed for personal trainers. These programs often provide one-on-one and group guidance, personalized advice, and a structured approach to your professional development. We'd be remiss if we didn't suggest our own community. Follow the link below for more info and updates!

Join the Epicenter Training Online Academy Today!

in-person communities

  1. Local Fitness Events - Attend local fitness events, workshops, and seminars. These gatherings are fantastic opportunities to meet other trainers, share knowledge, and establish relationships within your fitness community.
  2. Fitness Conferences - Consider attending national or international fitness conferences. These events bring together fitness professionals from various backgrounds and provide access to workshops, networking sessions, and keynote speakers. And, you'll often find great CEU opportunities, when attending in-person, as well.
  3. Fitness Associations - Join professional fitness associations that offer local chapters. These associations often host meetings, workshops, and networking events for their members. They can also provide valuable resources and access to industry professionals, especially when there's familiarity with items that may be specific to your region.
  4. The Epicenter Training Studio - While we're in pre-launch phase now, we aim to become the preferred training hub for independent personal trainers, where your success is our mission. Be the 1st to get info, updates, and resources by following the link below.

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the value of mentorship: learn from those who have been there

Mentorship and Coaching

Mentorship is a valuable asset in your journey as an independent personal trainer. Seek out experienced individuals in your field who can provide guidance, share their experiences, give you their answer to "what is a personal trainer?", and offer insights into the industry. Here's why mentorship is so important:

  1. Accelerated Learning - A mentor can help you avoid common pitfalls and provide you with a wealth of knowledge that might take years to acquire on your own.
  2. Networking Opportunities - Mentors often have an extensive network of contacts in the fitness industry. Their connections can open doors to new clients, partnerships, or job opportunities.
  3. Accountability and Motivation - A mentor can help keep you on track with your goals, providing motivation and a sense of accountability.
  4. Personalized Guidance - A mentor can tailor their advice to your unique career path and aspirations, helping you make informed decisions.

peer support: learning from those on similar paths

Peer Support Group

Connecting with fellow independent personal trainers who are at similar stages in their careers can be incredibly beneficial. Here's what peer support can offer:

  1. Shared Experiences - Your peers understand the challenges and successes of independent personal training. You can learn from each other's experiences and provide support during tough times.
  2. Collaboration Opportunities - Collaborating with peers on projects or events can expand your reach and offer new opportunities for growth.
  3. Accountability Partners - You can set goals together and help each other stay accountable in achieving them.
  4. Collective Problem-Solving - When you face a challenge, your peers can offer different perspectives and potential solutions.

Finding communities of support, online or in-person, can be a game-changer for independent personal trainers. These communities provide you with sources of knowledge, inspiration, and a sense of belonging so you don't feel like you're alone on an island.

Whether you're seeking mentorship, connecting with peers, or participating in online forums and workshops, these communities will help you navigate the unique challenges of being an independent personal trainer, and will pave the way for your professional success. Embrace the opportunities they offer, and you'll find yourself better equipped to excel in your career.

key takeaways of "what is a personal trainer?"

So, what is a personal trainer? You are a dedicated professional who transforms lives through fitness and well-being. As an independent personal trainer, your journey is about shaping your unique path to success, providing more than just exercise routines, and continuously evolving your knowledge. Remember that your clients look up to you as a mentor, and your role is to guide them toward a healthier and happier life. Embrace your independence, build a strong foundation, and become the personal trainer your clients deserve.

As you embark on this journey of independence, remember that every client you inspire and every goal you help achieve is a testament to your dedication and expertise. When your clients are asked, "what is a personal trainer?" Their answer will be you. You're not just a trainer; you're a life changer, and your journey is just beginning.

here are 4 resources to help you build your business today!

1) resource bundle

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2) sales playbook

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Download our personal trainer sales playbook to perfect your sales pitch and get more paying clients


3) online academy

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Accelerate your personal trainer education with peers and mentors in our online academy


4) strategy session

Strategy Session

Schedule a personal trainer business coach strategy session for 1:1 support and a plan for success


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