The LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy for personal trainers

How Justin Welsh's 'The LinkedIn OS' Transforms Visibility and Client Engagement

LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy
David Bohmiller

by David Bohmiller
Co-founder of Epicenter Training

Here's How Personal Trainers Can Use Justin Welsh's LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy!

Personal Trainers often miss the opportunity to leverage LinkedIn's potential. Often they're investing time in platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok. But, if you're seeking to connect with high-value and high-net-worth clients, you're doing yourself a disservice if you're not active on LinkedIn.

But, the way you engaged on other platforms may not fit this more professional environment. So, what does quality content creation, marketing, and sales outreach look like on this platform? For that, we review Justin Welsh's LinkedIn OS.

let's explore your linkedin content marketing strategy!

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- Justin welsh's linked os -

grow and monetize with linkedin

Justin Welsh LinkedIn OS

From tidying up your profile page look and feel to a comprehensive content matrix to eliminate writer's block for good, Justin guides you through each step in his video-based course.

Join 1,000's of others who have learned how to grow and monetize with LinkedIn.

Get It Now!

linkedin history

I opened my LinkedIn account in 2006. It was a time when the platform was mainly used as a place to upload your resume, add to your professional experience when you got a promotion or a new job, and to search for a new role when necessary. In those early days, I'd have been surprised if I logged in once quarterly, and certainly not with the frequency I do today, where a LinkedIn tab is constantly open while I'm working or browsing.

Today, it's evolved into a hub for marketing, networking, education, and collaboration.  With its booming number of users, ever-advancing features, and sophistication of use, it helps to have a primer for optimizing your profile and planning your posts and engagement so they'll resonate with, and reach, your ideal clients in a way that can support the continued success of your personal training business.

content preparation and linkedin strategy

In my 15+ years of using LinkedIn, I'd witnessed, and participated in, the changes to communication and presentation on the platform. I certainly made my mistakes in having my Facebook and Instagram posts automatically update my LinkedIn feed. The audiences were different and the way they preferred to consume information was different, too.

It's no coincidence that I:

  • Happened across Justin Welsh's posts on LinkedIn
  • Became a follower (I clicked the notification bell on his profile, so I'd get updates right away whenever he posted)
  • Subscribed to his newsletter
  • Applied his foundational advice
  • Then purchased his video course: Justin Welsh's LinkedIn OS: Grow + Monetize LinkedIn

content marketing consistency

If you're a trainer who's invested time in creating content on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, or anywhere else, you've certainly had days where you:

  1. Don't feel like creating content
  2. Are struck with content creator's block (today's version of writer's block)

Just like you tell your clients that showing up consistently is 1/2 the battle, similar is true of LinkedIn content creation. You won't get results if you're not putting in the reps on a consistent basis. So, what's the LinkedIn equivalent of putting in the reps?

  • Posting
  • Commenting
  • Direct messaging

All 3 of these are forms of deposits. It takes a harmony of these 3 to achieve success; you won't see it as readily, and maybe not ever, if you're focused on only one type of deposit.

deposits > withdrawals!

Deposits are far more important than withdrawals in your LinkedIn content marketing strategy. Withdrawals are your asks for your readers to take additional action, like:

  • Clicking through to a longer-form article you've written or a video you've filmed
  • Becoming a subscriber of your newsletter
  • Registering for a webinar
  • Becoming a client or customer

a general recommendation

As a general recommendation, for every 10 posts, about 8 should be deposits and 2 can be withdrawals. Ask for the sale or promote your products too often or hastily, especially without providing value in your deposits, and you'll likely find yourself unfollowed, blocked, and not any closer to the outcomes you're after.

Personal Trainer Content Creator

5 linkedin content marketing strategy lessons from justin welsh's course

While there's a wealth of applicable info in Justin's course, these are the 5 items that were most-impactful for me in updating my LinkedIn content marketing strategy. Keep in mind, you may find value in these areas and others, depending on your current circumstance, audience, and unique persona.

1. how to precisely define your audience

There's value in niching down. If you don't tailor your posts to a particular ideal client, it'll be more challenging for prospects to know you're talking to them.

2. how to create content with a system

Content creation shouldn't take hours. Justin's content creation matrix shows you how to write a post, then rewrite it several more ways for repurposing.

3. deposits over withdrawals

As mentioned earlier, providing value or results in advance is easier on the ears of your prospects. Show them value before they're customers and they'll become so more quickly and loyally.

4. clarifying your expertise

Do you and your prospects know your story? Justin provides a well-refined system for outlining your story, defining your area of specialty, and including it in your profile.

5. how to use templates effectively

Recreating the wheel isn't any fun. Make good use of the included templates in Justin's course, and you'll save yourself time & headaches while better engaging your prospective clients.

go get justin's course!

"Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation." ~ Robert H. Schuller

Get Justin Welsh's LinkedIn OS here

- Justin welsh's linked os -

grow and monetize with linkedin

Justin Welsh LinkedIn OS

From tidying up your profile page look and feel to a comprehensive content matrix to eliminate writer's block for good, Justin guides you through each step in his video-based course.

Join 1,000's of others who have learned how to grow and monetize with LinkedIn.

Get It Now!

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